celebrity law of attraction success stories

18 Celebrities Who Use the Law of Attraction

What do Marilyn Monroe, Kanye West, and Ariana Grande all have in common? (Besides being wildly wealthy). They have all celebrity law of attraction success stories! Yes — the actions of visualising, reciting affirmations and using positive thinking have bought these megastars wealth, fame and endless abundance. 

According to the law of attraction, everyone on Earth has unlimited potential and the ability to create their own destiny. These 18 celebrities have proved that this is the case. They have amazed the world with their success and proved to us all that it is possible to create the lifestyle of our dreams.

Here is the best celebrity law of attraction stories that will inspire you and show you that anything is possible…

1. Drake

One of the best celebrity law of attraction success stories is from ‘October’s Very Own’, Drake. In an interview with Rolling Stones magazine, rapper Drake shared how he manifested his dream home.

“This house was the desktop image on my computer years before I bought it,” Drake says. “I was like, ‘What are the world’s craziest residential pools?’ and when I searched online, this came up.” In 2007, a then-unsigned Drake tried, and failed, to hunt this place down during an L.A. trip. In 2009, the compound hit the market with an asking price of $27 million. The seller, a steakhouse-chain restaurateur, “was at a low moment,” Drake recalls. “He needed money.” In 2012, Drake purchased the property for $7.7 million. “I stole it from him!”

Drake has also referenced manifestation in several of his songs including:

Draft Day

That boy manifested it, that boy knew it was written
That boy did it on purpose
That boy know that they s***tin’ on you, and they can’t get past you
You should’ve followed all my moves, you won’t realise ’til after
And if I left s*** to chance I would’ve picked a name like Chance the Rapper

Lose You

Back when I would write and not think about how they receive it
I be tryna manifest the things I needed
And look, now, I mean, it’s hard to believe it even for me
But you’re mindful of it all when your mind full of it all

2. Oprah Winfrey

If there’s any celebrity that’s a fan of the law of attraction it’s the one and only, Oprah! The media mogul has attributed her incredible success to positive thinking and the power of manifestation. 

The talk show Queen openly speaks about how practising the law of attraction helped her to land her breakthrough role in The Colour Purple. All the signs from the universe were there, from her character’s name, Harpo, which spells Oprah backwards, to manifesting her audition for the movie, the stars were aligned in her favour.

Since then, Oprah has become a leading voice in the law of attraction community. She introduced the world to the best selling book The Secret, gave a platform for people to share their real-life success stories and dedicated segments of O Magazine to the topic. Oprah has helped the law of attraction to become more mainstream and thus has changed the lives of millions of people around the world.

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.”

3. Will Smith

International superstar Will Smith has been practising the law of attraction for years. The actor, rapper, and producer credits the universal law as the secret sauce behind his flourishing career. Throughout the years, Will Smith has spoken at great length about the law of attraction. From onscreen interviews to posting reels on Instagram.

He constantly reiterates the message that success lies within all of us, we just have to unlock it! If there are any words of wisdom you should take on board it’s those from the Fresh Prince. Check out his content, you seriously don’t want to miss out!

“Our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, our ideas are physical in the universe. That if we dream something, if we picture something, it adds a physical thrust towards the realisation that we can put into the Universe.”

4. Conor McGregor

From his background as a working-class plumber in Dublin to becoming a world-class MMA fighter, Conor McGregor has transformed his life and has become one of the greatest celebrity law of attraction success stories. His story is truly inspirational and will move you to work with the law of attraction to bring your dreams to life. 

When Conor McGregor was introduced to The Secret by his sister he was initially sceptical until he began practising manifesting parking spaces and it worked. Even when people laughed he still believed and continued to put his desires out into the universe, and clearly it’s paid off!

“It is the Law of Attraction, and it is the most powerful thing in the world,” McGregor said. “It is the belief that you are able to create whatever situation that you want for yourself, and no one can take it from you. It is believing something is already yours, and then doing whatever you have to so that it comes true.”

5. Ariana Grande

“I thought you into my life.”
“I get everything I want ’cause I attract it!”
“I want it, I got it, I want it, I got it”
“Keep my conscience clear, that’s why I’m so magnetic.”

These are the law of attraction lyrics behind Ariana Grande’s greatest hits. The sensational singer has used her manifestation powers to attract a flourishing music career, her ex Pete Davidson and amazing experiences. Ariana has famously said, “I have this weird manifesting gift, I think.” From a young age, she has been able to attract her goals with little resistance.

Growing up, her mother taught her that anything is possible. With this mindset behind her, she has proved this to be true! Ariana is one of the best celebrity law of attraction success stories. If you want to raise your vibration just listen to her attraction anthems including Successful, 7 Rings and Just Like Magic.

6. Jim Carrey

If you haven’t heard Jim Carrey talk about the Law of Attraction where have you been? The King of comedy is living proof that manifestation works. Before Carrey became a household name he struggled to break into the entertainment industry, today he has starred in over 50 films and TV series and is worth a cool $180 million.


One of Jim Carrey’s most notable encounters with the law of attraction is when he wrote himself a $10 million check for “acting services rendered” in 18985 and dated it for thanksgiving 1995. Lo and behold, in November 1995 Carrey was picked for the role of Lloyd Christmas in the blockbuster hit “Dumb and Dumber” – for which he received payment for $10 million!


Another law of attraction exercise that Carrey would use is visualisation. When he was poor and broke he would go to Mulholland Drive and imagine himself being recognised and praised for his work. Clearly, his faith and belief in himself and the universe have paid off!

"As far as I can tell, it’s just about letting the universe know what you want and then working toward it while letting go of how it comes to pass."

7. Arnold Schwarzenegger

The beefcake actor and former governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger has used the law of attraction to find success as a champion bodybuilder and an A-list movie star. A famous encounter between a journalist and Schwarznegger gives us a deeper insight into how his self-belief made him a star.

It occurred during a sit-down interview where Arnold Schwarzenegger was promoting his movie ‘Stay Hungry’. When asked what he was going to do after retiring from bodybuilding he simply replied “I am going to be the number-one box-office star in all of Hollywood.”

He further explained how visualisation had helped him to find success throughout his career. “It’s the same process I used in bodybuilding… what you do is create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true.” Several years later Arnold went on to become a household name when he starred in the hit film, The Terminator

celebrity law of attraction success stories

8. Jay-Z

Rapper and entrepreneur Jay-Z, aka Sean Carter, attributes the law of attraction to his fame and fortune. Having taken himself from poverty to prosperity, he has built a billion-dollar empire and taken the world by storm. Jay-Z firmly believes in the power of creating your own luck and has spoken many times about going out and getting what you want.

Of all of the celebrity law of attraction success stories, Jay-Z is one of the most interesting. His wisdom and intellect on the topic have sparked conversations and led to some of the best interviews yet. In one talk he said, “life has a balance and for every action, there is a reaction. So, if you put negative energy in, negative energy comes back to you. You have to live your life within the laws of the universe and I haven’t lost sight of that.”

“I believe you can speak things into existence.”

9. Lady Gaga

As a struggling musician trying to make it in New York, Lady Gaga always believed that she was destined for bigger and better things. With her determination and understanding of the law of attraction, she managed to manifest everything that she had ever wanted – and more!

To help her reach her goals Lady Gaga created a mantra that she would recite every day. She would repeat the words “Music is my life. Music is my life. Fame is inside of me. I’m going to make a number one record” until it sunk deep into her subconscious. 

“You repeat it to yourself every day. […] And it’s not yet, it’s a lie. You’re saying a lie over and over and over again, and then, one day the lie is true.” she stated. Lady Gaga stayed true to her vision and continued to recite her affirmation until it manifested into existence.

What I’ve learned is that you really don’t need to be a celebrity or have money or have the paparazzi following you around to be famous. Me and my friends just simply declared fame on our own … It was our confidence and our conviction and our abilities … and having that be in every fiber of our being.

10. Marilyn Monroe

She’s the talented blonde bombshell that used her spiritual gifts to put her in the spotlight. Marilyn Monroe was the Queen of the silver screen, all thanks to her manifestation abilities. She knew how to tap into her magic. The way Marilyn used vibration and energy to attract is simply iconic. 

Here’s a personal anecdote from Amy Greene, the wife of Marilyn’s personal photographer Milton Greene:

“I’ll never forget the day Marilyn and I were walking around New York City, just having a stroll on a nice day. She loved New York because no one bothered her there like they did in Hollywood, she could put on her plain-Jane clothes and no one would notice her. She loved that. So, as we were walking down Broadway, she turns to me and says, ‘Do you want to see me become her?’ I didn’t know what she meant but I just said ‘Yes’ — and then I saw it. I don’t know how to explain what she did because it was so very subtle, but she turned something on within herself that was almost like magic. And suddenly cars were slowing, and people were turning their heads and stopping to stare. They were recognizing that this was Marilyn Monroe as if she pulled off a mask or something, even though a second ago nobody noticed her. I had never seen anything like it before.”

Marilyn used visualisation to create opportunities and the attention that she craved. She would use affirmations to manifest her desires and make her one of the most desired women in Hollywood, and beyond. 

“I daydreamed chiefly about beauty. I dreamed of myself becoming so beautiful that people would turn to look at me when I passed. And I dreamed of colors - scarlet, gold, green, white. I dreamed of myself walking proudly in beautiful clothes and being admired by everyone and overhearing words of praise. I made up the praises and repeated them aloud as if someone else were saying them.”

celebrities use the law of attraction

11. Denzel Washington

Denzel Washington was destined to be famous. According to the movie star, he was in his mother’s beauty salon when an older woman, one of the elders in his community, told him that she had a spiritual prophecy that one day he would travel the world and speak to millions of people.

Fast forward to the future and Denzel Washington has established himself as one of the best actors of our time. Not only that but he has preached about the law of attraction and how you can use it to manifest your desires.

“In order to change your life, you must change your thoughts”

12. Beyoncé

She’s topped the UK charts with 3 number 1 albums, sold over 100 million records worldwide as a solo artist and won countless awards. Yes, it’s the Queen, Beyonce. Not only has she mastered the art of singing but she has also become a law of attraction aficionado.  


Beyonce once shared in an interview that she keeps a picture of an Academy Award next to her when she’s working out on the treadmill. As she looks at the image she envisions herself winning one. As such, the film Dreamgirls, in which she starred, was nominated several times and won two Oscars.


Visualisation is a big part of Beyoncé’s experiences with the law of attraction. She once said, “I usually have dreams about my performances. I have visualized everything from the color of my stiletto to my hairstyle, to the choreography and movement. No one has seen it except me…All of my great performances I saw them happen before they did.”

13. Kanye West

Another celebrity law of attraction story comes from fashion and rap innovator ‘Yeezy’. Kanye West has spoken candidly about his use of the law of attraction. He used it to manifest the ‘woman of his dreams’, Kim Kardashian. He would photoshop himself next to the reality star in her family’s annual Christmas Card photo. This was years before he began dating Kim who would become his future wife and mother of his children.

His unthinkable belief and persistence have led to him not only marrying the love of his life but also becoming an award-winning rapper and producer. He’s so much of a believer in the law of attraction that he made a song called… ‘Law of Attraction’!

“I always felt like I could do anything. That’s the main thing people are controlled by! Thoughts- their perception of themselves! They’re slowed down by their perception of themselves. If you’re taught you can’t do anything, you won’t do anything. I was taught I could do everything. And I’m Kanye West at age 36.”

14. Katy Perry

Pop sensation Katy Perry manifested her music career using a vision board. When she was a child her teacher made her class create their own vision board with pictures of what they wanted to be when they got older. Perry’s contribution was an image of the late Latin star Selena holding a Grammy, with the intention that one day she would have the same experience too.

To this day, she has manifested several Grammys nominations and has become one of the most celebrated pop stars. Katy Perry has become the person she wanted to be and has manifested an incredible lifestyle.

“Set your intentions, say your affirmations and manifest your destiny”

15. Idris Elba

Another believer in the law of attraction and visualisation is Idris Elba. The actor, DJ and producer used to picture himself in positions of success. These visualisations have led him to become the celebrity he is today.

He used his mind to conjure up images of himself doing things that he was passionate about such as acting, producing movies and making music. He filled his thoughts with happiness and joy and, of course, he manifested everything that he focused on.

“I think my imagination has always kept me going. I just imagined myself collecting awards. I just imagined myself getting big parts. That's part of my inner magic. If I can see myself doing it, I can do it.”

16. Alex Rodriguez

The former Yankees superstar dreamed of landing the pop icon Jennifer Lopez. Several years prior to the couple getting together, A-Rod dreamed of finding love with JLo. In an interview with a reporter in 1998, he was asked “What would a dream date with Alex Rodriguez be?” to which he replied, “Jennifer Lopez. Hopefully, you can find me a date with her” fast forward 20 years later they began dating and eventually became engaged. Mind blown!

“I believe a champion wins in his mind first, then plays the game, not the other way around.”

17. Jennifer Lopez

Jenny from the block sure has come a long way. From her humble beginnings in the Bronx to topping the charts and dominating red carpet events, Jennifer Lopez has created a career that most people could only dream of. She attributes her success to hard work and the law of attractions. 

Her use of affirmations and personalised mantras have enabled her to attract her dreams. According to the singer, her favourite affirmation is “I am open and receptive to all the goodness and abundance that the universe has to offer.”

Speaking intentions into existence seems to be JLo’s talent. During an interview with Ellen Degeneres, Jennifer affirmed that she would one day have twins, “one boy and one girl”. Of course, she manifested just that with the arrival of her children twins Max and Emme. 

'What you say and what you think, and I tell this to my kids all the time, becomes your reality… If you’re telling yourself "I’m gonna be this or I’m gonna be that" or you’re telling yourself "I’m a f**king loser," then you’ll be a f**king loser. Whatever it is, you tell yourself that and it will manifest… I really believe that we create our lives. Again, not just with our actions and the things we do, but the things we think and the self-talk that we give.'

18. Steve Harvey

Talk show host Steve Harvey is all about sharing stories, including his rags to riches journey, with the help of the law of attraction. When Steve Harvey was at school his teacher made everyone in the class stand up and say what they wanted to be when they grew up. He bravely told his peers that he would be famous and on TV. However, his dreams were mocked and belittled by his teacher who assured him that this wouldn’t happen because of his severe stutter.

Well, Steve sure had the last laugh. He went on to manifest a successful career on TV and even sent the teacher that ridiculed him a TV every Christmas to remind her that he made it! Steve Harvey regularly speaks about his experiences with the law of attraction, including the use of affirmations and practising gratitude to help his manifestations come along. 

“​​Like attracts like. You have to understand: you are a magnet. Whatever you are, that’s what you draw to you. If you’re negative, you’re going to draw negativity. You positive? You draw positive. You’re a kind person? Most people are kind to you…If you see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. This is so true.”

These celebrity law of attraction success stories are so inspiring! Check out these other celebrity quotes about the law of attraction:


“If you have a positive frame of mind, you can manifest positive things in your life”Alesha Dixon

“See that’s the gift we were given – to evolve, advance, create. I create my own world, I can create any situation a reality. Imagine you had everything you wanted, everything. Imagine you were everything you wanted to be and capture that feeling. That’s the easiest way to manifest what you want.”Big Sean

“I believe in the Law of Attraction and I believe that you can speak things into existence, and I believe that when you know where you’re going and you know what you want that the universe has a way of stepping aside for you. Me signing my signature with “Champion 2011” on it can’t hurt me. It can’t hurt me; it can only help me to believe it even more, you know? So, yeah, it works for me.”Jon Jones

“I always believed about the power of what you say in your records. I always try to talk about the positive things, because I seen it happen, I know the strength of it.”Diddy

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