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Why Everyone Should Have a Mentor

Every successful CEO has one. It’s clear to see that mentors are in hot demand, yet why do so few of us ‘everyday people’ have one? Mentors are the guardian angels that can coach you through your career, guide you toward fulfilling your goals and bolster your chances of success in business… exactly why everyone should have a mentor!

Mentors are the new personal development craze next to having your own therapist and astronomer. Now more than ever people are focused on self-improvement, increasing their wellbeing and realising their potential. A mentor can help you to achieve that and more as you seek to accomplish your life ambitions and objectives.

Reinvent Yourself

Working with a mentor can help you to change the narrative of who you are as a person, how you perform at work and where you are headed. Though most people attribute mentors to professional areas in life, they can help you in every aspect from your relationships to just generally finding more happiness.

The person you are today (though you are already enough) will be completely different in every possible way once you turn to a mentor. They’ll show you how to step your game up and mould you into the person you aspire to be. The process of using a mentor is truly life-changing.

You can learn from their successes and failures, take notes from their journey and be guided down the ideal path. When you have a  mentor they will be completely in your corner and will assist you whenever you need sound advice. From their balanced perspective, they can be your greatest teacher. 

have a mentor

Why You Should Have a Mentor

Mentorship will support you in overcoming your flaws and build you up to become a wiser and more savvy person. There are so many benefits to having a mentor, here are some that will inspire you to get one for yourself.


Working with the right mentor will leave you feeling empowered and inspired. A great relationship with your mentor will amp up your drive and fill you with passion. Your advisor will teach you how to maximise your skills and your potential.


Life is full of ups and downs. What better than to have someone in your corner while you’re navigating challenges and curveballs that come your way. Mentors will give you the support you need to prosper and succeed. 


The guidance that a mentor has to offer is invaluable. Whether you’re lost or just need a little clarity, your mentor will point you in the right direction. Collaborating with them will help you to create clear and tangible goals. When you have a mentor that is willing to guide you they will do what it takes to help you get on your way.

What You Should Look For in a Mentor

When selecting a mentor you need to develop a criteria that outlines what you are looking for in an individual and what they have to offer. Get clear on what you want and begin to understand what you want out of a mentorship. These helpful tips will give you an insight into what you should consider. 

A Role Model

Choose someone with qualities or achievements that you’d like to emulate. Your mentor should be a person who is in your dream position. Whether they’re a business owner who has hit a milestone that is desirable to you or a company director who has risen through the corporate ranks, they should have excelled in a certain area that is aligned with your long term goals. Have a mentor that you look up to and admire.

Mutual Trust

Having a confidential and secure partnership with a mentor is key. You want to feel as though you can turn to them and share sensitive information with them. There is a certain vulnerability when it comes to mentor-mentee relationships therefore its important to work with someone you trust.

Listening Skills

As well as being adept at sharing their wisdom, a good mentor should listen intently. They should be aware of your needs and take in everything that you say. Any healthy relationship needs to have good communication, make sure that your mentor values everything you have to say.


Mentoring you shouldn’t be a burden. The right mentor will be enthusiastic about helping you and be keen to help you achieve your goals. If someone is making you feel like you’re a drain on your resources then you need to reconsider working with them going forward. If you have a mentor you must make sure that they are invested in your impending success.

have a mentor

Being a Mentee

So we’ve covered what you should look for in a mentor but what about you? Ask yourself, what can I bring to the table? Wanting a mentor is great but you need to consider what they will get in return and your role as a mentee. Luckily, we’ve got you covered…

Respect Their Time

Every second, minute and hour that a mentor spends with you is valuable. More often than not your mentor will be someone in a position of power that has a lot to contend with. The time that they invest in you is important to them. Always be respectful of their time. When you arrange a meeting show up on time. Always be present and ensure that you communicate efficiently to avoid mismanagement with time.

Consider Their ROI

Think about what your mentor will get out of your agreement. This should something you consider before you reach out to them and an important factor when negotiating the terms of your mentorship. Keep the communication channels open and ask them what they expect in return. 

Get Clear on What You Want

Having a mentor is great and all but what do you really want to get out of it? Are you launching a business and need help on how to develop a strong sales channel? Do you want to go down a certain path in your career and need a mentor to guide you toward climbing the ladder? You need to be clear about what it is that you want to achieve.

Things to Consider

  • How You Can Monitor Your Success

With your mentor work out metrics and goalposts that will help you to measure your achievements. Whichever KPIs you choose should be relevant to you and your goals.

  • Don’t Assume That They Want to Mentor You!

When reaching out to someone you want to mentor you be prepared to hear ‘no’. Taking on a mentee is a big responsibility and some people might not want to take it on regardless of how wonderful you are. 

  • Finding a Mentor

Network, put yourself out there and don’t be afraid to interact with people. The right mentor is waiting for you out there, all you need to do is connect with them. After kissing a few frogs eventually you’ll find your perfect mentor. 

Are you looking to connect with a mentor? Sign up to Meet a Mentor and join their growing community – all for free!

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