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Our Top 13 Spiritual Influencers

From Youtube to podcasts we love to get our spiritual fix and what better way to keep up to date with the latest trends and know-how than to watch and listen to our top spiritual influencers. If you’re looking for a spiritual boost and need some direction in your life, heading to the best healers and coaches in the game will keep you on track and rearing to go. 

Consider this a sign and a point in the right direction to getting the best Law of Attraction, spiritual and wellness advice there is. We’re sharing our top 13 spiritual influencers that will help you to up your game and manifest the life that you deserve.

top spiritual influencers

Here are our top spiritual influencers...

Ella Ringrose

Youtuber, podcaster and founder of The Goal Getter Mindset Academy, Ella Ringrose is taking the spiritual community by storm. From the success of her business to how she manifested her dream life abroad, she’s spilling the tea on how you can take your life to the next level and attract your goals. The Irish gem has countless pieces of advice on attracting money, love and success. If your manifestation game is in need of a touch up then she’s your gal. 

Check out this gifted guru and watch her Youtube channel!

Lalah Delia

Author of the best selling book ‘Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power’ and certified spiritual practitioner Lalah Delia is a force to be reckoned with. Not only has she changed millions of lives around the world but she pioneered the popular saying ‘She remembered who she was and changed the game.’ We love us some Lalah! In addition to spreading her positive cheer to over 500,000 fans on Instagram, she is also the founder of Vibrate Higher Daily Online School – #winning.

Vanessa Somuayina

Tarot reader and self-proclaimed serial entrepreneur, Vanessa’s entertaining (and scarily accurate) pick a card readings have gained her popularity online. Whether you want to know what’s around the corner in your love life or you need some direction in your career, Vanessa’s insightful readings will have you binge-watching her content. If you have questions then Vanessa has the answers, each reading features beautiful oracle cards and dazzling crystals, helping you to tap into your energy and select the pile of cards that will give you the foresight that you need.

If you’re crystal crazy and looking for an amazing spiritual influencer then head on over to Vanessa’s store Beau Life for beautifully crafted jewellery and precious gem collections and tarot readings.

The Law of attraction Changed my life

Last but certainly not least. Funny, witty and full of relatable anecdotes, Francesca makes you want to pour yourself a glass of wine and lean in closer as she shares her pearls of wisdom on all things Law of Attraction. Not only does she make you feel like you’re talking to a friend but her honest rhetoric and down to earth persona is refreshing and well received. Tuning into Francesca’s podcast is the best way to end your workweek, call it your Friday treat. P.s: keep a box of tissues nearby, tears of laughter guaranteed. 

Find Fran on the Gram. Mama to Bohemia and newborn twin girls, Francesca opens up her world of magic, manifestation and snazzy Law of Attraction face masks while sharing little nuggets of wisdom. Hit that follow button!

Vex King

If you haven’t heard of Vex King, where have you been? This transformational healer and self-love writer promotes the teachings of the law of attraction and beyond. His highly acclaimed books Good Vibes Good Life and Healing Is the New High are giving us life right now! If you’re looking for an influencer that touches on self-development with a spiritual base then his teachings are perfect for you. There’s a reason why over 1 million people follow him on the gram!

Jay Shetty

Internet personality and storyteller, Jay Shetty is the former Hindu monk that has taken the spiritual community by storm. From his viral sensation and number 1 Amazon bestseller ‘Think Like a Monk’ to his appearances on The Ellen Show and the BBC, Jay Shetty is spreading the message of love, spirituality and healing to billions across the world.

He is also the founder and host of the top-rated podcast ‘On Purpose’, which has featured a-list guests such as Kobe Bryant, Big Sean and Gwyneth Paltrow. As far as spiritual influencers go he is certainly making his mark and changing lives in the process.

Infinite Waters

Breathe in that good ass prana baby’ and watch the charismatic master of all things spiritual. Ralph Smart, aka Infinite Waters, will take your understanding of the secrets of the Universe to realms that you’ve never known all while planting a smile on your face. With almost 2 million followers he’s clearly the man with a plan. If you want to dive deep and discover the truth that lies beyond our physical reality then head straight to the Infinite Waters Youtube channel. Binge-watching videos have never been more guilt-free.

If books are more of your jam then check out Feel Alive By Ralph Smart, fresh off the press.

@manifestationbabe The truth is we’re all just 7 year olds walking around looking for ways to get our unmet needs MET as adults. Are you familiar with inner child work? #manifestationbabe #innerchild #REparenting #feelittohealit #innerchildintegration ♬ original sound - Kathrin Zenkina

Kathrin Zenkina

The Manifestation Babe herself is one that you definitely want to follow. This successful chica is all about mindset, manifestation and money. If you want to bring more abundance into your life and build a steady path to the wealth that you desire then Kathrin is your gal. From her Manifestation Babe Academy to her top-rated podcast there is so much for you to learn from her content. As far as personal development goes Kathrin Zenkina is the perfect person to follow. Not only does she have a bright and bubbly personality, but she also has the key to the prosperity that you’ve been searching for. Hit that follow button, now!

Law of Attraction Solutions

The expert on manifestation and attraction, Robert Zink has taken decades of life coaching experience and poured it into Youtube videos that can only be described as art. He takes on the role of a sage and shares his wisdom with his hundreds of thousands of subscribers, he really does have the solution! If you’re trying to manifest a text message from your specific person or if you want to meet the love of your life then look no further. Choose empowerment and let Robert guide you on the best journey of your life.

Build the Life of Your Dreams with Robert Zink’s 3 day programme and become a master manifester- you won’t regret it.

Emma Mumford

Award-winning life coach and spiritual influencer Emma Mumford has come a long way since she stepped into the public eye with her savvy savings tips and tricks. The self-proclaimed ‘Spiritual Queen has had 3 sensational books published, launched a successful podcast and has built an impressive league of loyal fans. Emma, a Dorset based Law of Attraction expert, is teaching people how they can change their lives, and you too could benefit from her powerful insights and high vibrational energy!

Leeor Alexandra

If you’re the type to dive down the rabbit hole of all things spiritual then Leeor is the perfect guide for you. Not only does she tap deep into the mechanics of the invisible realm she brings her fun, refreshing energy in the process. We’re long time fans of Ms Alexandra, and not just of her content but also her mystical jewellery line ‘Alchemy by Leeor Alexandra’ which features stunning amulets designed to help you manifest more love, abundance and health.

The Gem Goddess

If you’re into astrology, tarot and metaphysical content then you’ve come to the right place. The Gem Goddess hits the mark every single time. With her entertaining card readings and deep contention to spirit, you’ll be sure to find the answers that you have been looking for. Every one of her videos is made with love and you can feel the positive vibes practically radiating from the screen.

Watching her content is like having a personal card reader and friend all wrapped up into one. Plus, her online crystal store is incredible! Don’t delay, click the video above and watch her in action. Trust us, you’ll love her!

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