Master The Law of Attraction

1:1 Manifestation Coaching


Manifest Your Dreams!

Welcome to the realm of manifestation! Are you ready to unlock your limitless potential and transform your life? I’m Mica-Symone, your manifestation coach, and I’m here to guide you on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and manifestation mastery. Together, we’ll harness the power of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions to create the life you’ve always dreamed of!

Mica Symone Manifestation Coach - The Lightworker
Your Manifestation Coach

Welcome to the realm of manifestation! Are you ready to unlock your limitless potential and transform your life? I’m Mica-Symone, your dedicated manifestation coach, and I’m here to guide you on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and manifestation mastery. Together, we’ll harness the power of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions to create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Three Steps To Manifestation Mastery


Clarity & Vision

The first step on your manifestation journey is gaining crystal-clear clarity on your desires and creating a compelling vision for your future. Our manifestation coach will guide you through powerful exercises and techniques to help you define what you truly want, become more empowered and envision your desires in vivid detail.


Mindset Mastery

Your mindset is the foundation of manifestation success. In this step, I’ll work closely with you to identify and release any limiting beliefs, fears, or negative patterns that may be blocking your manifestation efforts. I’ll equip you with powerful mindset tools, techniques, and affirmations to reprogram your subconscious mind for success. 


Action & Alignment

Manifestation isn’t just about positive thinking; it requires aligned action. In this final step, I’ll help you create a personalised action plan and guide you in taking inspired action towards your goals. We’ll explore practical strategies, habits, and rituals that will support your manifestation journey while keeping you accountable.

Let's embark on this transformational journey together!

Ready to turn your dreams into reality?

Congratulations on taking the first step towards manifesting your dreams! Please take a few minutes to complete this application form, and let's embark on an incredible manifestation journey together. All information shared will be kept strictly confidential.


Manifestation coaching is a transformative process that combines the principles of the law of attraction, mindset work, and practical strategies to help you manifest your desires and create the life you envision. A manifestation coach guides and supports you in aligning your thoughts, beliefs and actions with your goals to manifest success, abundance and happiness.

Manifestation coaching can benefit you in numerous ways. It provides you with personalized guidance and support to:

  • Clarify your goals and desires
  • Identify and overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt
  • Develop a positive and abundant mindset
  • Create an actionable plan to manifest your dreams
  • Stay accountable and motivated on your manifestation journey
  • Overcome obstacles and challenges
  • Cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and the universe

Absolutely! Manifestation coaching is beneficial for anyone who wants to make positive changes in their life and harness the power of manifestation. Whether you’re seeking career advancement, better relationships, improved health, or overall life satisfaction, manifestation coaching can empower you to achieve your goals and live a life of purpose and abundance.

No prior knowledge or experience in manifestation is required. Our manifestation coaching is designed to meet you wherever you are on your journey. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some familiarity with manifestation concepts, our coach will provide the guidance and tools necessary to support your growth and success.

The duration of manifestation coaching can vary depending on your goals, needs, and the coaching package you choose. We offer coaching programs ranging from a few weeks to several months. Our coach will work with you to determine the most suitable timeframe to support your manifestation journey effectively.

Coaching session frequency can be tailored to your preferences and availability. Typically, sessions are held on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to provide consistent support and progress. Our coach will work with you to create a schedule that fits your needs and ensures maximum benefit from the coaching process.

Manifestation coaching is a collaborative process, and the outcomes depend on your commitment, effort, and openness to change. While our coach will provide the necessary tools, guidance, and support, the manifestation results ultimately rely on your mindset, actions, and alignment with your desires. With dedication and implementation of the strategies, manifestation coaching can significantly increase your chances of achieving your goals.

Getting started is simple! Visit our website and explore our manifestation coaching services. You can book a complimentary discovery call to discuss your goals, learn more about our coaching approach, and determine if we’re the right fit for your needs. We’ll guide you through the process and help you take the first steps toward manifesting the life of your dreams.